Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah dan Laju Inflasi terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto tahun 1998 – 2008 Menggunakan Program Minitab 14
Kata Kunci:
local revenue, inflation, Gross Regional Domestic ProductAbstrak
Economic problems that hit Indonesia and the trust can provide positive and negative impacts of efforts to
improve the welfare of the people of Indonesia. Due to the economic crisis and experienced trust has paved the
way for the emergence of a total reform in all aspects of life of the nation of Indonesia. One element of reform is
the requirement of granting total autonomy to the regions and city districts. In connection with the inflation that
occurred in Indonesia in particular the city of Malang, the inflation impact on Gross Regional Domestic Product
indirectly through the amount of the prices of goods in society. This study focused on how the influence of local
revenue and the rate of inflation to the Gross Regional Domestic Product during the period 1998 to 2008. Revenue
have a significant effect on the city's Gross Regional Domestic Product is equal to 66.5% of Malang, while the
other independent variables are not significantly affect the rate of inflation this is due to the inflation rate does
not directly influence.
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