Pembuatan Infrastruktur Database Menggunakan Metode Replikasi Untuk Pelanggan Jagoan Hosting


  • Sulthan Shidqi Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang
  • Danang Arbian Sulistyo STMIK ASIA
  • Fadhli Almu’iini Ahda Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang


Kata Kunci:

cluster, database, infratruktur, website


ABSTRACT.This study discusses the use and application of database clusters to reduce the adverse impact on the website due to server downtime, so as to maintain visitor traffic on the website. In this study, the implementation of the database cluster design and testing the results of the database cluster implementation on the server will be carried out. From the results of these tests, it will be found the impact caused by the existence of a database cluster on the server so that it can be used as a reference in making the infrastructure of a website. In program testing, which is done by comparing the results of the system before the implementation of the cluster and after the implementation of the cluster. In the trials that have been carried out to achieve the appropriate results, there is no downtime on website access in the event of a failure on one of the database servers. From these results indicate that the database cluster works well in maintaining the existing website uptime.

 Keywords: Cluster, Database, Infrastructure, Website


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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Cara Mengutip

Shidqi, S., Sulistyo, D. A., & Ahda, F. A. (2022). Pembuatan Infrastruktur Database Menggunakan Metode Replikasi Untuk Pelanggan Jagoan Hosting. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Asia, 16(1), 65–74.