Perancangan Aplikasi ListenAndShare Sebagai Platform Digital Social Listening Untuk Mendengar dan BerBagi Literatur Audio
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ListenAndShare; buku audio, digital social listeningAbstrak
The development of the internet and mobile devices today has formed new ways to communicate, and how to seek information and entertainment. This article discusses the development of ListenAndShare as a pltform for digital social listening, a social media platfom for listening, creating and discussing literatures in audio form. Users can become book authors, and publish in chapter by chapter with the must include audio media in addition to written text. Other users can follow the book and comment and discuss with other listeners or readers of the book. A subscription feature is also provided for listeners who are interested in following all the works of certain authors they like. With this audio concept, it will be easier for users to enjoy a work while carrying out other activities. Besides that, listening to books can also be done together, for example in family or in a circle of friends. Development is carried out by adopting an agile methodology by determining the minimum viable product to be implemented so that the application can be tested immediately to users and get feedback for further development. The application is implemented on a multi-platform basis using the Flutter framework.
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