Perancangan Knowledge Management System Dosen untuk Menunjang Kurikulum Pembelajaran pada Mahasiswa di Institute Asia Malang


  • Bambang Tri Wahjo Utomo user
  • Abd Hadi Institusi Teknologi Dan Bisnis Asia Malang


Kata Kunci:

Dosen, Knowladge Manangement System, Matakuliah, SECI Model, Website


Maintaining the quality of education in higher education is the task of leaders, managers and lecturers who need to be equipped with adequate fields of expertise and knowledge as well as an understanding of quality in essence. One very important role is to maintain the quality of the human resources in it, namely the lecturer whose function is to transfer their scientific fields to students. The profession of lecturers as researchers and teachers who accompany students in transferring knowledge, it is very necessary to continue to hone and develop their knowledge fields by implementing knowledge sharing between fellow lecturers, so that it will provide added value, and will make them as lifelong learners (life-long learning) ). Meanwhile, the application of existing knowledge sharing between lecturers is only non-formal, the discussion is not yet structured, even though it has implemented the formation of a lecturer team for subject grouping, in reality it has not been carried out well. Based on these objectives, the formation of the course grouping team can be assembled properly so as to create an appropriate Knowladge Management System for every lecturer who teaches the course. Lecturers can transfer their fields of expertise and research together, so that it will produce a competent learning curriculum to equip students to take majors in the fifth semester. In this study, a Knowledge Management System with the SECI Model and FGD approaches will be built which will be applied to learning


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Cara Mengutip

Utomo, B. T. W., & Hadi, A. (2021). Perancangan Knowledge Management System Dosen untuk Menunjang Kurikulum Pembelajaran pada Mahasiswa di Institute Asia Malang. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Asia, 15(1), 69–74.